The Empowerment of Marginalized Women

Australian Aid, through its Direct Aid Program supports the Empowerment of Poor and Marginalized Women through financial assistance to the Bali WISE Skills Education program run by Role Foundation. The program gives marginalized women from all over Indonesia, from all religions six months of tourism based skills education and training. Besides the training, these young women receive board, three meals a day, uniforms, books and transport. They are also given an expense allowance so they can send money to their families, while they are studying to better their future prospects. Young women are usually under extreme pressure to take unskilled work to help support their financially challenged families. Bali WISE students have a 90% rate of finding a quality job upon graduation and the students are much sought after because of their skills and determination to succeed.
Celebrating this year’s International Women’s Day on 8 March, Dr Helena Studdert, the Australian Consul General in Bali said, “The economic empowerment of women and girls is a key priority for Australia’s international development efforts. The education and empowerment of women and girls in all aspects of family and community life is essential if we are to break the poverty cycle.”  Dr Studdert also noted that “The Australian Consulate General supports Bali WISE because it reaches disadvantaged young women, not only in Bali, but across Eastern Indonesia.”
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